If the pianist who performs the first solo also performs the second solo, then which one of the following must be true?

allisonfarley on June 10, 2021

Missing deduction

I'm missing something important. While diagramming for this question I set up a scenario where W was in 1 & 2 and Z was in 5 and another scenario where Z was in 1 & 2 and W was in 5. I was in a stalemate over what must be true. I can't find the deduction for where Z can and can't go or rather, where W must go? I appreciate any guidance!

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Emil-Kunkin on January 21, 2024

Look at the rule that Wayne must perform a modern piece before any traditional piece is performed. Since three is traditional, Wayne must have at least one modern before it, so Wayne must be the person who does the first two.