In 1980 there was growing concern that the protective ozone layer over the Antarctic might be decreasing and thereby ...

irinajugovic1 on June 11, 2021

Why D

Could you explain?

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Victoria on June 26, 2021

Hi @irinajugovic1,

Happy to help!

The stimulus starts by telling us that, in 1980, people became increasingly concerned that the ozone layer over Antarctica might be decreasing. This was a problem because it would allow UV radiation to reach the Earth at levels that would damage polar marine life.

Some government officials dismissed these concerns. Why? Because statistics indicated that global ozone levels remained constant.

What is the issue with the government officials' evidence here?

People are concerned over Antarctic ozone levels; however, the government officials' evidence is focused on global levels. Therefore, it is possible that Antarctic ozone levels were decreasing to the point of concern, but ozone levels in other areas were increasing. This would keep the global average constant.

This issue is restated by answer choice (D), making it our correct answer.

Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any further questions.