June 2008 LSAT
Section 1
Question 22
Which one of the following, if true, would most support the author's contentions concerning the conditions under whic...
maeve on August 31, 2023
I have the same question!maeve on August 31, 2023
Oh, maybe because it doesn't explain "the conditions under which groupthink takes place," as the question states!
Emil-Kunkin on September 4, 2023
Hi, the authors thesis is that groupthink is enables by cohesive groups. The fact that groupthink happens across industries doesn't really do anything to support or disprove the idea that groupthink is enabled by cohesion. However, the idea that groupthink doesn't happen when there is distrust supports the idea that cohesion enables groupthink.amoli078@fiu.edu on September 5, 2023
can you break down why d is incorrect
Emil-Kunkin on September 7, 2023
Hi, I'm not sure how factions would really impact the idea that groupthink is enabled by cohesion. However, if anything, I think it would weaken the authors contention. The author thinks groupthink happens when there is too much cohesion, d shows it also happens with too little cohesion.
Emil-Kunkin on September 7, 2023
Hi, I'm not sure how factions would really impact the idea that groupthink is enabled by cohesion. However, if anything, I think it would weaken the authors contention. The author thinks groupthink happens when there is too much cohesion, d shows it also happens with too little cohesion.