May 2020 LSAT Section 2 Question 13

If Omaha hosts two of the meetings, which one of the following must be true?

amarachicynthia on June 18, 2021

Rules of the Game

Why couldn't m and v both be in the fall or spring? The rule says in each semester, either m or v or both are in.

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Victoria on June 18, 2021

Hi @amarachicynthia,

Happy to help!

We know that there will be exactly six meetings over the next school year: three in the fall and three in the spring.

Each meeting will be hosted by one of five cities: H, M, O, T, and V. Each city will host at least one meeting, although not more than one meeting per semester. This means that exactly one city will host two meetings in different semesters.

As you've outlined above, Rule 3 tells us that, in each semester, either M or V or both must host a meeting. If we had no further conditions, this would be entirely possible as demonstrated by the following scenario.

F: M V H
S: V T O

Notice that this meets all of our conditions:

1) H hosts a meeting in the fall. M also hosts a meeting in the fall.

2) V hosts a meeting in the spring. T also hosts a meeting in the spring.

3) M and V host meetings in the fall and V hosts a meeting in the spring.

However, the issue arises when we read the additional condition imposed by the question stem. The question stem tells us that O hosts two of the meetings. This means that, in order to satisfy Rule 3, M and V must host meetings in separate semesters. If both M and V hosted meetings in one semester, then the other semester would have neither a meeting hosted by M nor V, violating Rule 3.

Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any further questions.