The author sees the judge's primary role in a trial under the inquisitorial system as that of

rinavaleriano on June 19, 2021

Difference between B and E

Can someone please explain why E is a better answer choice than B?

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Victoria on June 21, 2021

Hi @rinavaleriano,

Happy to help!

Answer choice (E) is a better choice than answer choice (B) because the role of the judge is to act as an impartial decision-maker, regardless of whether the judge works within the adversarial or the inquisitorial system. While the passage tells us that the judge takes "an active part in the conduct of the trial, with a role that is both directive and protective" (lines 41 to 43), this is not the same thing as being biased towards one party.

Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any further questions.

rinavaleriano on June 25, 2021

I originally read it and thought it said unbiased. Thank you!