There is little point in looking to artists for insights into political issues. Most of them hold political views tha...

saachi123 on June 22, 2021

How do we diagram this?

I particularly struggled with diagramming this. How do we diagram the less insightful than?

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Nishu-Afobunor on July 23, 2022

yeah this one is confusing because it expects us to infer "some aren't" from a "most" statement

Emil-Kunkin on August 21 at 03:25PM

I am not sure if we would want to diagram this necessarily, but I absolutely want to pay attention to the quantifiers. We know that the majority of artists are less insightful than an average, well educated person. The right answer is just a rephrase of this sentence. To say that most are less insightful is exactly the same as saying that some of the other group are as or more insightful.