Cigarette smoking has been shown to be a health hazard; therefore, governments should ban all advertisements that pro...

Samirah on July 11, 2021

A versus E

While I chose the correct answer (E), why is A incorrect? It seems quite similar to E.

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Emil-Kunkin on August 12 at 08:12PM

Hi, we are looking to strengthen this argument, so extreme is not necessarily a bad thing. We are not looking for something that is aligned with the argument, we are trying to make the argument better. The argument is that smoking is unhealthy, so ads for it should be banned.

To say that ads should promote only heathy products completely proves the argument correct. If ads are only for healthy things, and smoking is unhealthy, then ads cannot be allowed for smoking. Thus, these ads should be banned.

A looks tempting, but who ever said smoking ads show people smoking? They may only show the product, or just the logo. A might support banning a subset of smoking ads, but not all- and would allow a carveout for ads that only show the product.