Interviewer: You have shown that biofeedback, dietary changes, and adoption of proper sleep habits all succeed in cur...

Jasmin1 on July 22, 2021

Can someone explain this question?

Hi could someone explain why the answers are wrong and right?

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Emil-Kunkin on June 23 at 09:40PM

The therapist is effectively making a circular argument. They say that all insomnia is treatable with the methods they have outlined, and that if there is a case that does not respond to treatment, this shows the person didn't follow the treatment close enough. The problem here is that it's equally possible the treatment actually didn't work. The therapist would respond in this way to anyone who claimed it did not work, regardless of how they followed the treatment. The therapist has effectively made it so that it's impossible for them to be wrong. they decide that any evidence they are wrong is actually evidence that the person claiming it has failed to follow the treatment.