The author of passage B would be most likely to agree with which one of the following statements about the term "natu...

Nishant-Varma on September 6, 2021

Answer Choice E

Can someone please explain this?

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Emil-Kunkin on November 3 at 05:53PM

I would start by looking at the way that A uses the term natural in the line in question. The author of A seems to be using the word to convey a sense of untouched pristine condition, something that has been unaltered by humans as is in a state that is undisturbed.

Then we should see what the second passage thinks about this view of nature. The author of B seems to clearly disagree that this concept of nature makes sense. They pretty explicitly reject this view of nature as only that which is unaltered in the final line of the passage, and instead thinks that nature exists on a continuum. This is a decent match for E.