December 2014 LSAT
Section 2
Question 11
Which one of the following could be the colors of the three rugs?

Ross-Rinehart on October 14, 2021
Hi, thanks for the question.Those three constraints are all three things you *could* use to make scenarios. However, other than possibly #3, I wouldn't *always* use them to make scenarios. Moreover, they aren't the *only* ways to make scenarios.
Broadly speaking, you can make scenarios whenever there's something in a game that has (1) constraint and (2) influence. By "constraint," we mean there's an element in the game that limits the game to an extremely limited number of outcomes. Those three rules you presented all have "constraint." #1 and #2 limit the game to two outcomes, and #3 limits the game to 2-4 outcomes. By "influence," on the other hand, we mean the rule will impact other variables or spaces in your setup. Many times, using #1 and #2 won't tell you anything about the other variables or spaces in your setup. In those cases, making scenarios with those things won't be worth it at all. Worse still, you could be overlooking other possible ways to make *great* scenarios on that game.
I appreciate your desire to be consistent and follow a system. But when it comes to making scenarios, I do not think that should be your goal. Making good scenarios is a matter of being resourceful, adaptable, and willing to try new things. The test writers are very creative with how they construct these games, so you need to be very creative in how you solve them.
I'd encourage you to do games multiple times, using the later attempts to try different ways to make scenarios. That way, you'll get a better feel for what kinds of rules are out there that can make good scenarios. Attend many Office Hours, to see how a variety of our instructors make scenarios. And always remember that there is almost always more than one way to make good scenarios on a given game (in fact, the way I would make scenarios on this game is slightly different than the way recommended in the explanation).
I'd further recommend you watch this presentation, which goes in-depth on this topic. I believe you may find it helpful.