The author's use of the phrase "no special magic" (line 43) is most likely meant primarily to convey that notions lik...

JenniferZ638 on October 12, 2021

Why not D?

Why is D incorrect? I thought the main point of the paragraph was that people think they are basing their understanding of risk on "voluntary" and "involuntary", whereas it is actually based on other factors like whether or not they approve of the activity. Wouldn't this count as "mistakenly believed to be characteristics that inform people's understanding of the consequences of risk"?

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Emil-Kunkin on November 12 at 09:12PM

I don't think the author is saying that voluntary and involuntary do not inform people's understanding of risk, but rather, that they are often proxies for other things. The author isn't denying that they exist or that that do some of the analytical work, but rather is denying that they are anywhere near as important as people claim them to be.