May 2020 LSAT
Section 2
Question 16
If Tampa hosts two of the meetings, which one of the following could be true?
Replies on January 4, 2022
hmm…think i solved
so B would give
F- V M O
S- V T H
above is permissible using
VsTs and TsVf

Jay-Etter on January 14, 2022
Hi, so for this question your reasoning in your reply isn't quite correct because remember the question is telling us that T is the repeated variable, not V.To solve this one, we'll start by putting T in both Fall and Spring.
F - T _ _
S - T _ _
Now we don't know which comes where, but we know all the other variables are not repeated, which is helpful because now we can try the scenarios.
Let's put H in each group and see what happens. When we put H in Fall:
F - T H M
S - T V O.
And then our other possibility is H in the Spring:
F - T
S - T H
O would have to go in the Fall because if it was in spring, there would be no M or V in S (breaking rule 3). Then either M or V could be the third variable in each group. So we get
F- T O M/V
S- T H M/V.
All of our possibilities when T is repeated are therefore
F - T H M
S - T V O
F- T O M/V
S- T H M/V
Options A, C, D, E are all impossible in either diagram, but B is possible if we take the second diagram and said M is in the Fall, to get:
F- T O M
S- T H V.
Hope this helps, feel free to follow up if you still have questions.

DRHALL on February 14, 2022
Im still confused as to why V doesn't have to to automatically be in the Fall because of the contrapostive of rule two where if V is in the spring then T is in the spring. Thus the contrapostive of that would be if T is in the fall then V must be in the fall.
Emil-Kunkin on March 23, 2022
Hi @drhall,Rule 2 tells us that if Vspring then Tspring.
The contrapositive of theirs would actually be
If T not spring then Vfall.
It is possible for T to be in both the fall and spring, so if t is in both spring and fall, v could still be in fall or spring.