May 2020 LSAT Section 2 Question 17

If Honolulu hosts a meeting in the fall, which one of the following must be true?

stephcristina on January 21, 2022

Why does T have to show up if it is V -> T ?

So the condition that's tripping me up is "If Vancouver hosts a meeting in the spring, then Tampa must also host a meeting in the spring." So I know that means V -> T. So the question stated H is in Fall so that means M is in Fall. The explanation stated that we have to put T in Spring meaning V is also in spring. But why does it have to go in Spring? you can do F: H M V S: M O T Since T is the conditional doesn't that mean it does not require the V to always be present? Also, he stated one condition wrong I believe.. "In each semester, either Montreal or Vancouver or both must host a meeting." With that doesn't it also mean both can show up in one semester? So V doesn't have to show up in Spring

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stephcristina on January 21, 2022

wait nevermind I just got it !

Naryan-Shukle on January 22, 2022

Hey @stephcristina,

Glad you worked it out in your head!

For anyone else wondering about this, the key here is that we are looking for something that MUST be true. Steph's diagram works, and it could be true, but it doesn't have to stick every single time. T being in the Spring, however, must happen. Because if it didn't, it would have to go in the Fall, in which case it would pull V along with it, at which point we wouldn't have enough spaces.

Hope this helps!