If Wellspring performs immediately before Xpert, which one of the following could be true?

Lisam on April 4, 2022

why can't A be correct

If A doesn't mean that it can't be true, (which it clearly can) why didn't he pick A or B instead?

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Emil-Kunkin on April 15, 2022

Hi Lisam,

A can't be true in this scenario, lets try to put U in slot 5.

We are told that W is immediately before X, so we have a sequence of V - Z - WX.
We also know that Y is in the first 3 and U is in the last three.

This means that the final three must be some combination of W, X, and U. Additionally, since we know that W must be before X, there are actually only two possibilities:

_ _ _ U W X

_ _ _ W X U

Either way, one of the WX block must be in slot 5, so A is impossible.