Does the position of a car driver's seat have a significant impact on driving safety? It probably does. Driving posit...

Mazen on April 19, 2022

Answer-Choice C describes a conclusion?

None of the previous clarifications eliminate C for the reason I eliminate it. I would like to know whether my reason for eliminating C is correct, please! I eliminated answer-choice C because a statement that provides an "explanation," be it causal or or not, is a conclusion. In other words, something that explains a phenomenon is a conclusion. Is it not? And since the statement in question is not the conclusion (the conclusion is "it probably does"), I eliminated C. Did I eliminate C for the right reason, which is, as stated above, C describes a conclusion whereas the role of the statement in question is not the conclusion? Thank you

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Emil-Kunkin on April 21, 2022

Hi Mazen,

The thing that C is describing is not a conclusion. Something that contributes to an explanation of something else is actually a premise- the "something else" in question is the conclusion. C is incorrect because the statement in question is not causal support for the conclusion.