Which one of the following is most analogous to the role that, according to the author, custom-made medical illustrat...

Remi on April 26, 2022

where in the passage can we infer that A is correct?

hello! so I'm reading over the last paragraph, where it discusses the benefits of custom medical illustrations, and I'm having a little trouble finding the lines that support the notion that such illustrations company a verbal testament instead of simply replacing them. thank you!

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Emil-Kunkin on May 1, 2022

Hi Remi,

Youre right in thinking that the final paragraph is the place to look for support. We can infer that the role of these illustrations is akin to a schematic in that (lines 53-55) they give a visual representation of very complex data that is hard to describe verbally. While we do not have a specific line that tell us they accompany verbal testimony, this is where we can consider the context of the passage. The passage discusses the use of illustration in a court case- a case which is essentially a presentation of facts. No lawyer would present a drawing and decline to make any verbal or written arguments! We are never told that they replace oral argument- only that it makes it unnecessary to describe the data in detail.