If Klosnik sits immediately next to Osata, then Londi CANNOT sit directly between

jordyndickey on May 11, 2022

Number 7

can you explain why it is E

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Emil-Kunkin on May 16, 2022

Hi Jordyndickey,

We are given a scenario where K and O are next to each other, which we could diagram as follows:

_ O
_ _

E is that L is between N and O, and since there is only one spot left next to O, we know that L must be next to O, and N must be on the other side of L

_ O
_ L

We also know from rule 1 that P must be next to N, so we have

_ O

And the only remaining spot then must be M. However, rule 3 tells us that M cannot be next to K, so this scenario is impossible.

MasonDees on August 24, 2022

Is there a deduction we could make off the bat so we don't lose time trying out each wrong answer until we get to E?