The primary purpose of the passage is to

Mazen on May 14, 2022

Isn't D an ad hominem attack

D states: "criticize the proponents of a traditional theory" "Criticize the proponents" not their arguments. Wouldn't criticizing the proponents who are people qualify as an ad hominem fallacy, hence another reason for eliminating D? Thank you

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Naryan-Shukle on May 15, 2022

Hi @Mazen,

I suppose you could technically take the writing that way, though it might be equally valid to take (D) as meaning "The purpose of the passage is to criticize proponents of a theory in their promotion of said theory." We have no evidence that the author means to criticize them personally, but we don't have any evidence they don't.

What's important, however, is that even if it was an ad hominem attack, this isn't enough to negate an answer. The purpose of a passage very well might be to personally attack someone.

The big red flag that should stick out with (D) is the fact that the passage is absolutely NOT criticizing darwinists, but rather those with the contemporary take of "strict constructionists."

Hope this helps!