September 2014 LSAT
Section 4
Question 9
Fraenger's assertion that the artist Hieronymus Bosch belonged to the Brethren of the Free Spirit, a nonmainstream re...

Emil-Kunkin on May 21, 2022
Hi Mazen,You're entirely correct that an assertion and a hypothesis do not mean the same thing. However, in LSAT language, the distinctions between various types of claims becomes less important. That is, a claim could be a hypothesis, a statement, a generalization, a set of dogma, a belief, an axiom, etc, and we shouldn't care too much about the difference between these things. What matters is if that claim (or hypothesis/statement/etc) plays a role in the argument. A hypothesis could be used to support another claim, making it an intermediary conclusion, or perhaps the hypothesis is the thing that the argument is being used to support- making it the overall conclusion. Perhaps a generalization is used to support another claim, making it a premise, or maybe a generalization is merely context to set up the argument.
Ultimately all that we are about is if a claim is supported by anything else (making it a conclusion) or if it supports anything else (making it a premise), both (and intermediate conclusion), opposes something, or none of the above.
In this case, the author actually uses the terms assertion and hypothesis interchangeably- in the first sentence they refer to Fraenger's beliefs as an assertion, and in the second as a hypothesis. This really does reflect how people speak- I may say "I assert that the earth is flat for xyz reasons" or "my hypothesis is that for xyz reasons, the earth is flat." The exact word choice for what someone call an idea is not particularly important, as long as we can tell the argument structure.
Mazen on May 24, 2022
Very thorough response.Thank You, Emil