Since there is no survival value in an animal's having an organ that is able to function when all its other organs ha...
sia.aleem9@gmail.comon May 19, 2022
#2 Main Point
I do not see how the correct answer is not A. I feel as though the actual answer supports the answer choice A. It seems like the right conclusion to me
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One test I like to use to find the main point is to use a because or a therefore. That is, if I am struggling to figure out if A or B is the main point, I will try to say "A therefore B" and "B therefore A" and use the one that sounds logically correct to determine what the conclusion is. Lets try this with A and D here.
We could say: it is probably within reach to alter the climate of mars therefore research into altering the climate is justified.
This makes perfect logical sense- we have a statement that something is possible, therefore we should do it.
Let's try this the other way around.
We could say: It is justified that we research altering the climate of mars, therefore it is within reach to alter it.
This makes little sense. Just because research is justified does not guarantee that it will happen, and even if the research does happen, that does not guarantee it to be possible to alter the climate of mars.
Since this test shows that A supports D rather than D supporting A, D is the main point.