Where each photograph is hung is fully determined if which one of the following is true?

skraps17 on June 21, 2022

What is the "most restrictive" rule?

How do we determine which block is more restrictive (IL or GK)? Technically, wouldn't GK be more restrictive because of the sequencing order? I understand why this is the correct answer choice, but going forward as a rule of thumb for 'most restrictive' I would like help in determining the rule to focus on in a question like this.

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Emil-Kunkin on June 22, 2022

Hi skraps17,

You raise a good question. If I was forced to pick, I would lean towards the GK block, because we know that H must be before that block, and that H cannot be first. So the GK block is really a H > GK block.

In general, if there are two rules that look pretty similar in terms of their restrictiveness, I would try to make them both a focus of your approach.