The average cost of groceries will rise again next month. Consequently, butter and eggs can be expected to cost more ... on June 25, 2022

Tips for future flawed parallel reasoning questions

Hello, in the Key Takeaway section of the correct answer explanation, it says to: Know your common flaws for the LSAT! Many questions trade in these flaws, and having them down cold will make it much easier and faster to answer certain questions—especially Flawed Parallel Reasoning. Please explain more in-depth what this means to do. Thank you!

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Emil-Kunkin on June 26, 2022

Hi Balde,

This is referencing a resource called "33 common LSAT flaws," which you can find in the lesson on error in reasoning questions.

While I dont think it would be the best use of your time to memorize all 33 of them, it would probably help to familiarize yourself with the general idea of each type. Once you are able to easily recognize flaws like mistaking correlation and causation, assuming something is true of each part because it is true of the whole, or assuming that something occurs just because it was likely to occur, you can apply that understanding of why an argument is flawed. This is an important skill beyond just flawed parallel reasoning- it will help you in error questions, strengthen, weaken, strengthen with sufficient, and principle questions as well.