Professor: Members of most species are able to communicate with other members of the same species, but it is not t...

RitaYang on June 29, 2022

Could you please explain this question?

I have trouble understanding this question. Please help.

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Emil-Kunkin on July 2, 2022

Hi Rita,

P notes that while most species can communicate with each other, but not all communication is language- and that human communication is language, which is a core trait that makes us human.

S agrees that not all communication is language, but questions why some kinds of evolved communication (like apes) are not language.

S assumes that the professor thinks that highly evolved forms of communication outside of humans are not language. However, the Professor never said that. She only said that not all communication is language, and that human communication is certainly language. She never said which forms of nonhuman communication are or are not language, only that not all are language.

In other words, the student has mistakenly assumed that the professor thinks that only human communication is language, which is a good match for D.