June 2020 LSAT
Section 2
Question 17
Situation: A physical therapist wants her patients to derive more enjoyment from the challenge of developing physica...

Emil-Kunkin on July 19, 2022
Hi Tyler,We are looking for a scenario in which someone has two goals, but it is not the case that "Success in meeting the first objective will bring about success in meeting the second."
That is, we are looking for an answer choice in which it would not make sense that meeting the first goal mentioned would help achieve the second goal.
For A, the first goal would help bring about the second goal, as students who understand math are more likely to use it in real life.
Same for B, a better product means people are likely to complain less.
For C, it would make sense that if fewer books get lost, then more would be returned on time.
For D, I don't see any real connection between the goals. Why would building a new warehouse aid the employees in planning what to do with the old one? The analysis does not apply to this scenario.
For E, more diverse offerings are likely to attract new patrons.
Magan-Leystra on March 19, 2023
Hi! Would you please elaborate on why C is not correct. I can see why D is correct, but I am having trouble seeing the connection between lost and stolen books vs. returning the books on time. Thank you!
Emil-Kunkin on March 19, 2023
Hi, I think the connection is that lost or stolen books will not be returned in time. A book can be returned on time, returned late, or not returned at all. If we reduce the proportion of books that are never returned because they are lost or stolen, we will increase the proportion of books that are returned on time