The passage most strongly supports which one of the following?

rswafra on July 12, 2022

Explain why "prominent" isn't too strong?

I almost picked B, but then at the end went with D because line 35 just said "brief comic statement" and that didn't seem to be prominent. Unless, because the acto is the quintessential form of Chicano theater, and each acto had a brief comic statement, then it is prominent? I definitely see that D doesn't have the right textual support so that should have made me pick B anyway, but got hung up on the one word.

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ShawnHill on April 4, 2023

I also have the same question as Rachel.

Emil-Kunkin on April 9, 2023

Hi, I think we have additional support for B later in the paragraph you mention in the form of satire, which is also a factor mentioned in line 47. Even without satire, I'd every single play in a genre has a formulaic comedic element, I think it is absolutely fair to say that common element is a prominent feature of that genre.