In a recent study, one group of participants watched video recordings of themselves running on treadmills, and a seco...

pbt5097 on July 23, 2022

Unbelievable question

I understand the logic behind choice D, but I just wanted to come on here and say that I think this question is ridiculous. I could very easily argue that watching your identical twin seems isn't analogous to watching yourself because, to state the obvious, if you are watching your twin, you aren't watching yourself!

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Emil-Kunkin on July 27, 2022

Hi PBT5097,

I agree that these are not exactly the same thing, and no analogy will be exactly the same thing, but the point of this is to weaken the argument. It does not have to be a perfect weakener, but it does have to cast doubt on the conclusion.

DevinFuller on August 1 at 11:49PM

Totally agree. This question is ridiculous. I completely ruled out the twins answer since its someone else they are watching.

Emil-Kunkin on August 11 at 11:17PM

All we need to do is find something that makes it less likely. A reasonable person could easily think that the right answer provides a strong indication that seeing an image of oneself or someone who looks like themselves doing something makes one likely to over report their doing of that thing.