Which one of the following most accurately describes the difference in approach taken by passage A as compared to pas...

klaird on July 25, 2022

"Endorse" Aspect

Can someone explain how the author of passage B does not necessarily endorse the view? I read that it is 'obvious' among other arguments, would that not imply the author clearly supports the stance taken?

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Emil-Kunkin on July 27, 2022

Hi Klaird,

This is tough, but if we read closely through passage B, I dont think the author necessarily shows that they agree with the point of view they describe. They say that one natural way of rectification would be to return land, but they never tell us that they think we should do this. Additionally, we are told that the original wrong can be fixed most easily by returning land. While we might assume this means the author thinks we should therefore return the land, the author does not actually say that. Just because X is the easiest way to do Y does not mean that we should do Y at all, or that X is the best way to do Y. As counterintuitive as it feels, B is really only descriptive, there is not really any prescription (or "should) in it.