If a garden does not receive plenty of water and sunlight and is not planted in rich soil, then it will not be produc...

skraps17 on July 31, 2022

Diagramming the Conditional in the Stimulus

I got this answer choice correct because it was the closest to what I came up with, but I diagrammed out the conditional as not Water AND not Sun AND not Social but you guys used OR. That makes the answer choice flow and make absolute sense, but how did you know to use or when diagramming instead of and, especially since the stimulus uses 'and'?

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skraps17 on July 31, 2022

not Soil*

Emil-Kunkin on August 8, 2022

Hi Skraps17,

I think the original statement is an And. We have three equal necessary conditions, good soil, good water, and good sun.

The contrapositive would be an or (if missing sun or water or soil then not productive), but for the initial statement I would absolutely go with and.

Reme Thursday at 10:31PM

but I don't understand because if introduces sufficient condition not necessary, so if there isn't water , soil and sun then not productive. therefore not productive is the necessary in this case. please someone explain