If the only meeting that Montreal hosts is in the spring, which one of the following could be true?
rswafraon August 2, 2022
Question on Set Up for Group Games
I definitely did this game with the if Hf then Mf so contrapositive Ms then Hs, I now know why it took me so long to do the game!
I am curious on the quickest way to ID when not to make that error on group games, can you say "if not in group 1 then in group 2 (for a two group game)", so long as no variables can be repeated? It is the fact that any variable can show up twice in this game that makes it wrong to say no in fall then in spring, correct?
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I think this is a matter of reading the setup extremely carefully. If we are told that each variable must go in exactly one position, we know that there is no in-out element to it. If we are told that each variable cannot be in more than one position, we know that we cannot have repeats, although we do not know if they are all in. If we are told nothing about where the variables can go (and only that each city has a max per semester), then it is possible that some could go in both groups. In general, if you are not forbidden from doing something, it is allowed.