Essayist: Practical intelligence is the ability to discover means to ends. This ability is a skill-something that do...

supreet1 on August 2, 2022

Im confused

How would i come about to the correct answer ?

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Emil-Kunkin on August 6, 2022

Hi Supreet1,

This is a sufficient assumption question, so we are looking to find the gap or flaw in the argument, and then we are going to try to fill that gap.

The author tells us that PI is a skill that one cannot develop on one's own, and then concludes that if someone were given everything they wanted, they could never develop PI.

However, how do we know that being given everything you want stops you from developing skills? This is the gap.

B fills that gap.

MayaM on August 9, 2022

Are we able to diagram this?

Emil-Kunkin on September 12, 2022

I dont think this question is the best example to diagram. The flaw here is that the author assumes that just because you do not need a skill that you will never be able to acquire it- and since the premises are not in easily recognizable conditional language I would lean against