According to the proposed Factory Safety Act, a company may operate an automobile factory only if that factory is reg...

drewjpark on August 4, 2022

Unacceptability of state of affairs?

I understand that the stimulus outlines two provisions of the FSA. I do not understand how the stimulus implies that the current state of affairs is unacceptable. Could someone explain why a "factory that manufactures automobiles would not be able to postpone its safety inspections" constitutes an unacceptable state of affairs as stated in Answer "A"?

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Emil-Kunkin on August 5, 2022

Hi Drewjpark,

The argument tells us that it is not acceptable/allowable/permissible for a car factory to postpone its inspection. That is the state of affairs in which a car factory postpones its inspection is unacceptable.

Answer Choice does not say that the current state of affairs is unacceptable. It refers instead to the unacceptability of a certain state of affairs, that certain state being a car factory delaying inspections.