Ethicist: Every moral action is the keeping of an agreement, and keeping an agreement is nothing more than an act of...

Tyler808 on August 7, 2022

Why is A wrong?


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Emil-Kunkin on August 8, 2022

Hi Tyler808,

The initial argument is as follows:
If MA -> KA
If KA -> SMB
Not all KA are MA
THUS: Some SMB are not MA

We could anonymize this as follows

If x then y
If y then Z
Not all Y are X
Thus: Some Z are not X

Let's look at A:

If calc then comp
If comp then AR
Not all AR are calc
THUS: some AR are not comp

And anonymized

If X then y
If Y then Z
Not all Z are X
Thus: not all Z are Y

This does not match our initial pattern, the conclusion is different.