The mayor boasts that the average ambulance turnaround time, the time from summons to delivery of the patient, has be...

Williamg on August 11, 2022

Why E?

Why is E correct? Don't all of these gun shot wounds directly conflict with emergencies being "limited strictly to heart attacks and strokes"?

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Emil-Kunkin on August 11, 2022

Hi WilliamG

E shows us that the kind of emergency that was redefined to no longer be a top priority had previously been very common. The author is not saying that the actual types of emergencies have changed, only that they redefined what is and what is not a top priority. That is, previously, maybe there had been 200 emergencies a year that were top priorities, 100 HA/S, and 100 GW/E. What the author claims happened is that they changed the definition to only include the HA/S. This does not mean that the GS/E did not happen, only that they are classified differently now.