If Kyla is not a pet owner, then which one of the following could be true?
JosephRoccoon August 16, 2022
Question # 12 - Kyla Not Pet Owner
Hello had a question about this question.
Is this a good example of using your work from the previous question?
I drew out two hypotheticals, actually three hypotheticals from the previous question.
Scenario # 1:
Apt #1: F
Apt #2: HGK
Apt #3: J
Scenario #2:
Apt #1: G H
Apt #2: F
Apt #3: JK
Scenario #3:
Apt #1: G H
Apt #2: K
Apt #3: J F
Based off of Scenario #2, we have our answer.
When I first did this question, I didn't notice I could actually use my previous hypothetical so wasted a lot of time drawing out more hypotheticals.
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