The passage suggests that the author would be most likely to agree with which one of the following statements about t...

rswafra on August 23, 2022

Difference between C and D

I'm struggling to determine the difference between C and D - why is D correct but C incorrect. Is it just that C is a bit too strong and there isn't exact support for the fact they advised Dunham to increase degree of detachment (because she was very not detached) and that there isn't really anything to support the part of "extensive personal investment in fieldwork enhances scientific rigor"?

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Emil-Kunkin on November 12 at 06:47PM

Hi, c tells us that the establishment was wrong to try to get her less attached, since attachment actually is good for science. I don't think we have support for the idea that attachment is a net positive as this answer choice claims.

D tells us that the establishment was wrong because it's not possible to truly be completely detached. This is directly supported around line 40.: