Historically, monetary systems have developed only in population centers with marketplaces. Through the fourth centur...

edwin.motif on August 23, 2022

Why is Answer E correct?

I got it right but why is Answer E correct?

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edwin.motif on August 23, 2022

The second sentence says "Through the fourth century B.C., Mesopotamian cities engaged in trade, but had never had marketplaces" but can the correct answer choice be this simple? And more broadly, do all questions have written explanations for right/wrong solutions? Thank you so much!

Emil-Kunkin on August 28, 2022

Hi Edwin,

We are told that MS happens only with MKP, so

If MS -> MKP and
If not MKP -> not MS

And that the Mesopotamians did not have a marketplace, so therefore, they must not have had a monetary system.