All parrots can learn to speak a few words and phrases. Not all parrots have equally pleasant dispositions, though so...

Julia96 on August 25, 2022


I am looking to see this all charted out. I was correct, but I don't think my diagramming was spot on but rather close enough to make deductions P -->FW and PH (Phrases) ~FW or ~PH --> ~P P-some-~pd P(A)*-some-pd *=Parrots from Australia --> Am I correct in not entirely separating parrots of Australia from the general reference to Parrots previously discussed? P-most-AFOWHF (Affection for owner who hand-fed bird) AFOWHF-some-P

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Emil-Kunkin on August 25, 2022

Hi Julia, this looks good!

The goal,of a diagram is to reinforce your understanding of what you read and to provide a convenient way to reference it.