June 2010 LSAT
Section 5
Question 9
Emil-Kunkin on August 25, 2022
You can find your account tab at the top right, under profilejgonza16 on September 1, 2022
When i click on the account tab and go to profile there is no option for downloading welcome packet which is why im confused. The only options are signing out, exam date, username, accommodations, notification settings, and then clearing history options. Also going through more of the lessons im noticing the instructor mentioning going through packets and im not receiving any of these packets via email or physical copy.Emil-Kunkin on September 2, 2022
Are you on desktop or the app? Try it on chrome on desktop, I'm also not seeing it on my appjgonza16 on September 7, 2022
I have tried it on both chrome and the app and had no luck receiving any of the materialson October 12, 2022
@Joshua Same here! Have you found the pdf notes?