The passage states which one of the following?

Preet on August 28, 2022

Question 3

Im just having a little trouble understanding how the S&N was diagrammed in question 3 from Not L --> Not C? I did not see any indicators so just need a little clarification.

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Emil-Kunkin on August 29, 2022

Hi Preet,

The statement we started out with is the second to last, that a lawless society is a crimeless society. This tells us that whenever we have a lawless society, we actually have a crimeless society, so, if not L, then not C.

Preet on September 5, 2022

I was told by someone else through support that it was diagrammed incorrectly in the video? can you look into that please. It can throw a lot of people off and have people wasting time on single question that is just shown incorrectly. From my understanding SC should not be negated in C. It should be SC--> NOT MR.