The passage implies that the Ultimatum Game is

mayatassi on September 4, 2022

Answer C

Can you please explain why C is wrong? Thanks.

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Emil-Kunkin on September 6, 2022

Hi Mayatassi,

We are actually told that the results of the game are quite predictable, most people reject the offer when it is insultingly low. While this is hard to explain, this is not the same thing as it being hard to predict.

on September 24 at 03:52PM

Why is B wrong?

Emil-Kunkin on September 27 at 03:11AM

I think b just goes a little too far. While it does seem to contradict the idea that people always act in their rational self interest, we aren't told that this assumption is basic or foundational, and one piece of disconfirming evidence doesn't necessarily overturn an assumption.