Park ranger: It is unfair to cite people for fishing in the newly restricted areas. They probably are unaware of the ...

AndrewArabie on September 30, 2022

Blind Review switch

During my blind review I switched my answer from A to C. My reason for doing this was that a lengthy awareness campaign does not guarantee that everyone who fishes in the newly restricted will be aware of the new law so the park ranger doesn't believe the principle in A would apply in all cases--only after a certain period of time. C doesn't seem right to me either but either way can someone explain to me why the answer was A and not C so I don't make this mistake again?

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Emil-Kunkin on October 5, 2022

Hi Andrewarabie,

I don't think D refutes a premise. D tells us that within any given industry, the most successful companies have been those with the most tech. The premises are that Aggregate productivity growth has dropped, and that average growth across the highest-tech industries have seen the biggest drops. This does not mean that the best companies are not investing more in tech. Averages do not tell us anything about the behavior of individual companies, or about the distribution of productivity growth.

Emil-Kunkin on October 5, 2022

Hi Andrewarabie, ignore my first message, apologies.

You raise a good point about A- I don't think the ranger would always have to agree with it. However, that isn't what the question is asking. Rather, we are being asked to strengthen the idea that people should not be fined in this one instance. A does that completely. Itn would enable us to say that, since A, we should not fine people.

C does not. The fact the public can't be expected to know more than rangers does not prove they should not be fined. We need an answer choice that explicitly tells us when it is not appropriate to fine people

AndrewArabie on October 5, 2022

Thank you Emil!