The Common Loon is a migratory bird that winters in warmer regions and returns to its breeding lakes in the spring. T...

wbutler91 on October 3, 2022

I was in between C and D...

Why is the correct answer D and not C. I predicted that the loon birds are lazy and that is why they rather occupy an already habituated area when vacant lakes are near by. If the birds are successful at overtaking areas couldn't that resolve the paradox as well or am I viewing this incorrectly? Thanks in advance!

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Emil-Kunkin on October 5, 2022

Hi wbutler91,

I don't think I see how C would prove anything. If the birds have a 50% success rate, well, so what? That doesn't explain why they choose to do it in the first place. If anything, it heightens the paradox- why bother going to the effort to invade an occupied lake when there are other similar lakes nearby when there is a 50% chance of losing?

wbutler91 on October 5, 2022

Gotchu, thanks.