If the horse remains found at the Botai sites had consisted primarily of the bones of fully grown females and young m...

the66guy on October 22, 2022

Break down the second paragraph

Im having a hard time understanding what the second paragraph of the passsage is trying to say. Is that the Botai people did not use horses as their main source of food because there were slightly more male bones than females, and horse families which consisted mostly of female and young horses were easier targets for food? Im confused. Id appreciate any help. Thanks

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Emil-Kunkin on October 24, 2022


This second paragraph explains two reasons why a scholar thinks horses were domesticated and ridden by the botai people. They both stem from the fact that the patterns of skeletal remains are inconsistent with alternative relationships with the horses. The first is that the horses were not used for meat, and the second was that they were not hunted as wild game