Scientist: It seems likely that the earliest dinosaurs to fly did so by gliding out of trees rather than, as some sci...

Matt12 on November 5, 2022

A and E

If the dinosaurs lay their eggs next to a tree, it is probably because they intend on utilizing the tree. Thus answer A strengthens slightly. E says "Early flying dinosaurs lived at a time when their most dangerous predators could not climb trees". Why does that strengthen the idea that dinosaurs flew out of trees rather than from off the ground? It doesn't. No matter what way the dinosaur flies, if it can get in the tree and away from predators, it can do what it needs to do.

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Emil-Kunkin on November 6, 2022


I think that's a huge assumption that laying eggs near the base of trees is likely because they climbed that tree. There are a whole host of reasons that an animal might lay its eggs in a certain place, and it's a big leap to assume it's because they climbed trees.

E gives us reason to believe that early Dino's would have wanted to climb trees. If their most dangerous predators were unable to climb trees, then climbing trees is a clear and effective defense. This supports the idea that dinosaurs climbed trees.