Marcus: For most ethical dilemmas the journalist is likely to face, traditional journalistic ethics is clear, adequat...
Mazenon November 23, 2022
Typical and Most: equivalent?
I understand that A takes issue with M's characterization of "adequacy." My question concerns how the phrases "typical case" and "most" relate?
A case is said to be "typical" when it appears "most" or "majority" or "more than 50%" of the times; correct?
I feel that the LSAT writers would agree with that "typical" and "most" would be synonymous in this context, but, in answer-choices A and B, attached the quantifier "most" to the wrong element, i.e. the element with which A does not take issue such as "correctness." Am I correct?
Thank you
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Hi, I would generally agree that typical means most common here. I could possibly see an example where the "typical case" is something that happens only a plurality of the time, so I would be surprised if they used the term typical for a question that hinges on a formal understanding of quantifiers.