If Gabrielle lives in the same apartment as Helena, then each of the following could be true EXCEPT:

Abigail-Okereke on December 13, 2022

Why is A correct?

Hello, I understand this is a could be true except (aka cannot be true). I see how choices B-E are wrong. However, I came up with multiple scenarios of how F and K could live together. I will leave my work below. Someone, please let me know where my error is so I can understand why I got this question wrong. Thanks! 1: GH 2: FK 3: J or 1: FK 2: GH 3: J or 1: GH 2: NONE 3: JFK or 1: NONE 2: GH 3: JFK

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Emil-Kunkin on December 14, 2022

Hi, this all comes down to the owner or not aspect of the game. We know there are three pet owners and two non owners, and that you cannot mix owners and non owners. We know that J is not an owner, and is in three, this means that nobody in three can own pets. So, we know the bottom two scenarios are impossible since there are three non owners.

The top two scenarios are also impossible since we have one non pet owner J, two pet owners GH, and one other block of two, one of whom must be a pet owner and the other non, but since they live together, they must be the same type. This would then result in 4 owners and one non, or 2 owners and three non, both of which are impossible.