If Ibanez visits Tokyo, which one of the following could be true?

sbarnes458 on January 13, 2023

For 22 why can't D work

From my diagram I cant' seem to figure out why the option D is invalid Why can't this example work: M: F I S: H I T: F G In the video he mentions that H cannot be in Tokyo therefore G cannot be in Monola therefore D is incorrect as G has nowhere to go, how is that the case? I don't belive its breaking any rules so what's preventing it from working there?

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sbarnes458 on January 13, 2023

never mind, I realized I am disregarding the initial question stating I goes to Tokyo

Emil-Kunkin on January 14, 2023

Good catch! This kind of scenario question essentially introduces a new rule that only applies for this one question.