Editor: It is a myth that a significant amount of music on the Internet is the result of people downloading others' m...

Abigail-Okereke on February 3, 2023

D vs A

Why is D wrong and A correct? I don't understand answer choice A. Please help!

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Emil-Kunkin on February 5, 2023

Let's look at the argument. The author tells us that the vast majority of people who download music do not also upload music, which they use to support the conclusion that it is not true that a lot of music online is reworked versions of other peoples music.

The author confuses the ideas of the percent of music online with the percent of people who download music. Maybe only 1 percent of people upload music, but if each of them uploads 100 songs, that would be a large amount of the music online. This is exactly what A describes. The author fails to consider that a small minority of people who publish a lot can have an outsized influence.

D is incorrect since the author doesn't assume that people always publish their reworked music online,