By referring to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as "purely programmatic" (line 49) in nature, the author mo...

Magan-Leystra on February 17, 2023

Question 10 Difference Between Sufficient and Necessary Conditions

Hi! I completely understand why the answer is correct, however, I became a little confused at the end of the video by how answer A would be sufficient for a sufficient premise question. Would you please map this out for me so I can see it clearly. Thanks in advance!

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Emil-Kunkin on February 22, 2023

Hi, A would guarantee that the argument is correct. The argument tells us that if snakes skin didn't break, then we could tell how old a snake is by counting its sections, which grow each time they molt. However, the big issue here is that they might molt at irregular intervals. If the molting is irregular, then counting sections would only tell us how many times that snake has molted, not how old it is. A solves that, buy showing us that molting is exactly one time per year.

Note this is not a necessary assumption, if they molted twice a year we would still be able to count.