In 1990 major engine repairs were performed on 10 percent of the cars that had been built by the National Motor Compa...

Ben on March 4, 2023

How is this related to the adaptive quantifier section?

I tried diagramming out the prompt, but ended up blindly guessing because I couldn't connect any of the linear logic provided. So how is the right answer the correct one?

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Emil-Kunkin on March 7, 2023

I would argue this does relate to quantifiers since we are technically dealing with some statements, but I don't think diagraming this one would be very helpful. Here, we are trying to explain a paradox: that a greater proportion of newer cars require major maintenance than do older cars.

I think the most intuitive reason for this is survivorship bias. Cars that survive longer are likely those that were best built and best taken care of, since less relatable cars would have already broken down. For the 1960s cars most of the less reliable cars are already gone, but there are still some unreliable cars left from the 1970s.

C actually gets at a different kind of survivorship bias. If people are less likely to bother repairing older cars, and simply scrapping them instead that would explain why fewer old cars have repairs that newer cars.